Pulmonary Consultation Elective | NYU Langone Health

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Department of Medicine Elective Catalog Pulmonary Consultation Elective

Pulmonary Consultation Elective

Preceptor: Andrew Lehr, MD
Course Code: 04-38
Coordinator: Kathy Papassoulis, kathy.papassoulis@nyulangone.org
Tel: 212-263-2315

Prerequisite: 2-week rotation: Any One Core Clerkship. 4-week rotation: Medicine Clerkship


The student will take part in daily pulmonary consultation rounds. Students will, along with senior pulmonary fellows, be able to evaluate and examine patients with a wide spectrum of pulmonary diseases. Students will also be encouraged to participate in multidisciplinary conferences (oncologic, thoracic surgery, chest radiology, and pathology) as well as observe pulmonary procedures including bronchoscopy, thoracentesis, and transthoracic lung biopsy. Students will also rotate through the pulmonary physiology laboratory.

Objectives of the elective

Students will learn the principles of pulmonary medicine. They will learn to generate a differential diagnosis and management regimens for patients with various pulmonary disorders.

Key Responsibilities of the students while on Elective

Students will attend daily pulmonary consultation rounds with the first and second year pulmonary consult fellows. The students will see and present various cases to the pulmonary consult attending.

Didactic Program

Attending conferences are held daily. Students will also attend Division of Pulmonary conferences such as daily Bronchoscopy morning report, weekly Tuberculosis conference, Physiology conference, Tumor Board, and Radiology conference, and bimonthly Pathology conference.

Method of Evaluation

Students are evaluated by Attendings assigned to work with them who then present their findings to the preceptor who is responsible for final evaluation.

Scheduling Information

Visiting students should download the Visiting Student Elective Application and mail to:

Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellowship Coordinator, Bellevue Hospital

462 First Avenue, Room 7N24

New York, NY 10016

You should receive an e-mail in 5-7 days confirming your Elective request.

The division will not take any date requests by telephone and all completed applications must be sent to the above address.

Additionally, please remember to supply at least 2 alternative dates on your application. Thank you.

Months Offered: 4-week rotation: All year. 2-week rotation: 2 weeks in March, May, August and October 

Report to: Andrew Lehr, MD

Students per period: 4

Duration: Two or Four weeks