Headache Research Training | NYU Langone Health

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Headache Research Headache Research Training

Headache Research Training

Faculty in the Division of Headache are dedicated mentors, and offer research training opportunities to medical students, residents, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers.

Resident and Medical Student Research

Residents and medical students interested in research opportunities should contact the investigator they are interested in working with. Open research opportunities are listed below.

Research Opportunities with Dr. Mina T. Minen

Mia T. Minen, MD, MPH, director of headache research, has mentored 10 medical students (all of whom presented posters and 8 of whom have at least one peer-reviewed publication) and 9 neurology residents (7 of whom have peer-reviewed publications, the other 2 have a poster and/or book chapter). In addition, Dr. Minen has mentored 36 undergraduate students, with the vast majority presenting a poster and the majority being co-authors on at least one peer-reviewed publication.

Dr. Minen’s research is always evolving as future work builds on her team’s current findings. Overall themes of the research include behavioral therapies for migraine (cognitive behavioral therapy, biofeedback, relaxation, and mindfulness), mobile health (mHealth), epidemiology, bridging the undergraduate neurosciences with clinical neurology, and more. Feel free to reach out to learn about current projects for trainees.

Graduate Student Research

Graduate students who are interested in conducting headache disorders research are required to select a thesis advisor and do lab rotations. Please consult your school’s program policies and requirements for more information about choosing a lab.

Postdoctoral Research

Postdoctoral fellows interested in headache disorders research should email Dr. Minen at mia.minen@nyulangone.org.