Internal Medicine Residency Subspecialty Training | NYU Langone Health

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Internal Medicine Residency Curriculum Internal Medicine Residency Subspecialty Training

Internal Medicine Residency Subspecialty Training

During the Internal Medicine Residency at NYU Langone, residents gain exposure to subspecialty clinical training in a variety of settings during dedicated subspecialty rounds.

Cardiology Teaching Service

During teaching rotations with the cardiology service at NYU Langone’s Kimmel Pavilion, you are part of a team of four residents and two cardiology attendings, one of whom focuses exclusively on teaching. Together you care for up to 16 patients with cardiac conditions. You gain experience diagnosing, evaluating, and treating patients with acute coronary syndrome, angina, atrial fibrillation, aortic dissection, congestive heart failure, hypertension, and ventricular arrhythmia. This resident-only team is supported by a nurse practitioner, who assists with patient care tasks and creates additional time for residents to learn from world-renowned clinician–researchers in NYU Langone’s Leon H. Charney Division of Cardiology.

Hematology Teaching Service

Second- and third-year residents rotate on the hematology service at NYU Langone’s Kimmel Pavilion, a primary service where you join a senior hematologist and a fellow to care for a maximum of 10 patients with blood disorders, including conditions that affect red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and the clotting system. The patients in your care actively receive chemotherapy or require immunosuppression for treatment at the Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Blood and Marrow and Cellular Transplant Center, an inpatient unit within the Kimmel Pavilion.

OpenConsult Specialty Teaching Rounds

Residents at Bellevue and the VA NY Harbor Healthcare System have targeted 30-minute specialty teaching sessions. OpenConsult teams choose a subspecialty, topic, or patient that they wish to learn more about and schedule a session with the attending of record for a particular service. The rounds, conducted in conjunction with an assigned hospitalist, are case-based, occur at the bedside, and include critiques of house staff presentations and diagnostic skills. Through these sessions, instead of learning from a specialist who is not directly involved in the care of a particular patient, you can discuss the rationale for specific care decisions with the healthcare providers who are directly involved in that patient’s care.

The Saul and Doris Farber Bedside Teaching Service

The Saul and Doris Farber bedside teaching service is an intensive two-week inpatient rotation at Bellevue that features structured evaluations in a learning environment with a limited number of patients per day.

Teams consist of one resident, two interns, and a hospitalist. During morning rounds, experienced clinicians moderate team case presentations and engage residents in the process of clinical reasoning to avoid diagnostic errors. Physical examination skills are taught at the bedside each afternoon, with residents observing and practicing core elements of cardiac, pulmonary, musculoskeletal, neurologic, and dermatologic examinations.

Interns are given extensive feedback and learn the essential skills of effective case presentation, writing notes for the medical record, and documenting the patient handoff.