WISE Courses | NYU School of Medicine | NYU Langone Health

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WISE Program WISE Courses

WISE Courses

More than 200 healthcare institutions across the United States and internationally use NYU Grossman School of Medicine's WISE online educational courses. WISE, which began as the Web Initiative for Surgical Education, has expanded to included content areas in surgery, procedural skills, and the acute evaluation of patient complaints at the bedside. WISE supports more than 120 medical schools, 45 physician assistant programs, 20 osteopathic programs, 15 graduate medical education programs, and multiple nurse practitioner programs.

Key Features

Our WISE courses offer the following features to all learners.

Accessible Anywhere

Learners can access courses virtually from any location, including from hospitals or at home, and receive the same quality of content regardless of students’ assignments.

Round-the-Clock Availability

WISE modules are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, thereby eliminating the time limitations split between clinical experience and lecture.

Self-Assessment Questions

Questions before each topic within a module and at the end of the module allow students to help identify gaps of knowledge and plan their learning experience. Feedback provided in answers to the questions offer additional learning opportunities.

Summary Sections

At the end of each module, learners receive a summary that includes key points of the module, a directory of all the resource links, and a detailed view of their module progress and outcomes. The key points can be printed to PDF and are accessible on mobile devices for easy reference.

Documentation of Training

Reporting is available to faculty and administrative staff to verify that learners have successfully completed training for specific competencies.

How to Subscribe to Our Courses

Our courses are available to medical, osteopathic, or physician assistant programs, as well as residency programs and individual subscribers.

Medical, Osteopathic, or Physician Assistant Programs

Prospective medical, osteopathic, or physician assistant programs interested in WISE courses should email us at wise@nyulangone.org. We will connect you with our partners at Aquifer for institutional subscriptions.

Residency Programs and Individual Subscriptions

Residency programs and individual subscribers interested in WISE courses should use our contact form to connect with our team directly and discuss how we can best accommodate your needs.


Our WISE-MD course provides high-quality content on common surgical conditions.


Our Course on Addiction Recovery Education focuses on substance use disorders training.


Our WISE-OnCall course highlights patient safety.

WISE by the Numbers

institutions that use WISE-MD


institutions that use WISE-OnCall


topics offered by WISE courses