Epilepsy Research Elective | NYU Langone Health

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Department of Neurology Elective Catalog Epilepsy Research Elective

Epilepsy Research Elective

Preceptor: Jacqueline French, MD, jacqueline.french@nyulangone.org
Course Code: 05-05
Telephone: (212) 263-8853

Prerequisites: None


For those students interested in pursuing research, an epilepsy research elective is available. Prior to registration for this elective, students are asked to identify an attending at the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center (CEC), who will act as a mentor during their research block. This mentor may be someone whom you have rotated with previously, or who is involved in an area of research that specifically interests you. The student should meet with their mentor at least one month in advance of the start of this rotation, in order to: (1) devise a novel independent research project, or alternatively (2) identify an already-existing project of interest that the student can participate in. There is a large amount of clinical and basic research currently ongoing at the CEC. Various independent research groups have been organized by investigators’ areas of interest.

Completion of a research project may not be possible in a one month time period, however any student interested in continuing unfinished work following the resolution of this research block is strongly encouraged to do so; publication of one’s original work is also highly encouraged. This is not requisite, however, for the rotation.

Students on this rotation will also be asked to select 1-2 epilepsy topics of interest, perform a comprehensive literature review, and present their findings with their mentor at the end of the rotation.

Objectives of the Elective

Become familiar with clinical research methodology and the scientific method, understand the complexities of research, become familiar with the regulatory aspects of Human Subject Research (eg IRB applications).

Key Responsibilities of the student while on Elective

  1. Devise a novel independent research project, or identify an already-existing project of interest , and assist the research team in preparing for or performing the research
  2. Select 1-2 epilepsy topics of interest, perform a comprehensive literature review, and present the findings with the mentor at the end of the rotation.

Didactic Program

There will be a series of lectures by attendings and/or fellows on various epilepsy and electrophysiology topics throughout the week. All medical students are encouraged to attend. In addition, students are encouraged to attend weekly conferences held every Wednesday at 8 am at the CEC during this elective rotation.

Method of Evaluation

Optimal participation in clinical research, as well as thorough investigation and presentation of topics of interest, discussed above.

Scheduling Information

Months offered: All Year except Nov
Report to: Jacqueline French, MD, jacqueline.french@nyulangone.org
Students Per Period: 1
Duration: 4 Weeks

Note: For this elective, visiting student applications will be processed through AAMC’s Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO) program. The VSLO Application Service (aka VSAS) enables students to browse and apply for this elective.

This elective gives visiting medical students who come from backgrounds underrepresented in medicine the opportunity to explore and experience training at NYU Grossman School of Medicine.