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Melanie J. Maslow

Melanie J. Maslow, MD

Professor, Department of Medicine

antimicrobial resistance, measuring quality in HIV care, adverse effects of antiretrovirals, C. difficile colitis, evaluating drug related cause of osteopenia / osteoporosis in HIV positive patients
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These focus areas and their associated publications are derived from medical subject headings from PubMed.
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MD from New York University

Maslow, Melanie Jane; Portal-Celhay, Cynthia

Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's principles and practice of infectious diseases. Philadelphia, PA : Elsevier/Saunders, 2015. 8th edition. p.339-349.e3. (1685642)

Zeitlin, Gary A; Maslow, Melanie J

Current allergy & asthma reports. 2006 Mar; 6(2):163-70

Duration of cell-mediated immunity after smallpox vaccination

Sivapalasingam, S.; Borkowsky, W.; Valentine, F.; Holzman, R.; Maslow, M.; Simberkoff, M.; Haren, N.; Maccario, E.; Flannery, J.; Hirsch-Temple, D.; Sathe, S.; Torres, J.; McGibbon, M.; White, M.; Steigbigel, N.

Abstracts of the ... Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy. 2004 Oct-Nov; 44:254-254

Fabbri M; Maslow MJ

Current infectious disease reports. 2001 Jun; 3(3):258-265

Kourbeti IS; Maslow MJ

Current infectious disease reports. 2000 Jun; 2(3):193-200

An unusual case of sternoclavicular tuberculosis in a patient with AIDS

Saito, AI; Yelkovan, C; Maslow, M

Infectious diseases in clinical practice. 1999 May; 8(4):208-209

Tuberculosis and other mycobacterial infections of the lungs

Maslow MJ

Pleuropulmonary and bronchial infections. Philadelphia : Churchill Livingstone, 1996. p.4.2-4.22. (Atlas of infectious diseases ; v. 6) (3102)

Gram-negative bacterial infections of the lungs

Maslow MJ

Pleuropulmonary and bronchial infections. Philadelphia : Churchill Livingstone, 1996. p.2.2-2.18. (Atlas of infectious diseases ; v. 6) (3103)